JOY Studio Ghibli Film Festival
10 Weeks
My Role
UI Design
Darby Moore (me)
Joy is an imaginary three-day Studio Ghibli-themed film festival on the University of Washington campus with 20,000 attendees and a three-day lineup.
Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio directed and co-founded by Hayao Miyazaki. It is one of the most influential animation studios in the world, and it is known for classics such as My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, and Ponyo.
Core Value Proposition:
Joy is intended for college students and anime fans who want to bond over shared interests, my idea provides three days of Studio Ghibli films as well as guest speakers, exclusive merchandise, and themed food.
Unique Selling Point:
Unlike other Studio Ghibli Festivals that air the films over nine months, my three-day festival –with free entry for UW students– will offer easy access to the most popular Ghibli films through a pre-conducted survey of UW students to determine the set list.
Competitor Analysis
My initial research started with a deep dive into my biggest competitor: The Studio Ghibli Fest. This festival takes place across the US and annually shows Studio Ghibli films in theaters.
Based on my initial research, I compared and analyzed each festival to determine their best qualities, general audience, and pricing.
Advertising can have a huge effect on how renowned a festival is, and it may be useful to advertise in the location where your audience is likely to be.
Allowing for virtual events can help boost festival attendance
These personas were created to imagine the scenarios and goals of different attendees to my festival. I settled on one main persona to help scope my designs.
Lia represents a student persona, who is likely to attend a festival on the University of Washington campus not only because she is a student of the university, but also because she would seek out any anime-related festival.
Brand Design
The word “joy” relates to my festival’s core value proposition and unique selling point because my festival intends to cause delight and happiness in every attendee. My festival prioritizes the joy of attendees by ensuring tickets are affordable and films are fun.
Moodboard and Colors
Films by Studio Ghibli are bursting with emotion and color as well as beautiful landscapes and creative characters. I hope that this mood board will cause my designs to reflect the magic of Studio Ghibli. I wanted to convey a feeling of seaside, beach, and springtime because these are the feelings that I feel from the movie Ponyo. There is also a feeling of childish joy felt in the movie, that I feel is presented in these colors.
To accomplish this, I chose a split complementary color palette, which features blue-green, orange, and red. The bright contrast between the “Coral” and “Ocean” colors reflects the bright colors of spring flowers, and my festival takes place during spring.
Mood Board
I created a font hierarchy that first draws your eye towards my repeated logomark “Joy.” The upper case also helps my logomark stand out. My subheading is in a smaller size but is still large enough to draw the eye. Next, the eye is drawn to each day of the festival which is bold and uppercase. The headline events of my festival are semibold to make them stand out against the smaller events.
Final Logomark
Color Palette
Mobile Interface
Prototyping the mobile interface started with sketching low fidelity wireframes, and conducting usability tests asking potential users to simulate purchasing a ticket with the initial app concepts.
Next I created a mid fidelity prototype in Figma before receiving more feedback from group critiques.
This project taught me how to time-block my week so that I can complete deliverables in a timely manner. I also developed skills in information hierarchy, visual design, and Figma prototyping. The skills that I learned in this project helped me on future projects and taught me how to iterate upon my ideas.
In the future, if I were to re-do this project, I would focus more on connecting my designs to the over all “Studio Ghibli” theme. I think that this would help my designs become more cohesive and purposeful.
User Flow
This user flow goes through the task of buying a ticket to my festival. I chose this because it helps me think about the structure of my tickets and how the interface will operate.